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Virtual Panel Discussion on Bladder Cancer awareness and opening the Photocure European Head Office in Düsseldorf, Germany

Published: 27 May 2021Medical congresses & eventsMedical InformationOrganisational Announcements

Photocure organized a virtual panel discussion about Bladder Cancer awareness and opening its European Head Office in Düsseldorf. The event was held on Thursday, 27 May 2021, from 13:00 to 13:45 pm CET, in German language and featured the following speakers: Susanne Strauss, Vice President and General Manager Europe, Photocure, Georg Konwalinka, Commercial Director DACH, Photocure, Prof. Johannes M. Wolff, Chief Physician and Medical Director of Paracelsus-Klinik Düsseldorf and Theresa Winkels, Head of the Düsseldorf Economic Development Office.

View a replay of the event here.
Request the press kit (in German):

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