Exercise of employee share options in PhotocureASA ("the Company")
Published: 20 November 2018Financial Investment & Stock
Reference is made to the stock announcement dated 19 November 2018. The payment has been determined based on a selling price of NOK 37,6418 per share.
After exercising options and buying new shares from the net option proceeds, Erik Dahl holds 49,500 options and 8,546 shares in the Company.
After exercising options and buying new shares from the net option proceeds, Inger Ferner Heglund holds 27,800 options and 18,332 shares in the Company.
After exercising options and buying new shares from the net option proceeds, Grete Hogstad holds 45,000 options and 17,903 shares in the Company.
After exercising options and buying new shares from the net option proceeds, Espen Njåstein holds 51,100 options and 11,069 shares in the Company.