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New Fox 11 program on Blue Light Technology in Bladder Cancer

Published: 21 January 2020Medical Information

The benefits of Blue light technology in the detection of Bladder Cancer are explained in detail on Fox News in a news topic featuring an interview with Dr. Sia Daneshmand on January 20, 2020.

The journalist describes the procedure and states that with it "in less than an hour, doctors can detect any cancer in your bladder and in turns save lives". She adds that, at the USC cancer center "you can be inspected in an exam room — so there's no need for general anesthesia".
Dr. Daneshmand discusses the difference of Blue Light to other technologies during cystoscopies in Bladder Cancer care. "We know we do a good job but we are missing tumors," he says. He highlights bladder cancer statistics in the US and describes the importance for Urologists to "see better" during the procedure.

Dr. Sia Daneshmand, M.D., is Associate Professor of Urology (Clinical Scholar) and Director of Urologic Oncology at the University of Southern California/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The Bladder Cancer news topic aired on Fox 11, the west coast television channel of the Fox News network.

Watch the whole news topic and interview here:

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